FRC Mobility Specialist
For those who want to improve many aspects of their day-to-day life due to an underlying musculoskeletal condition, nowadays, there are functional range conditioning (FRC) specialists, which are trained and certified in making your life better from a mobility point of view.
According to FRC specialists, “mobility is a grossly overused and misused term—and in the context of functional range conditioning (FRC), mobility means having active control over your end range of motion to simultaneously expand your range of motion, teach the nervous system to control it, prepare tissue to prevent injury, and create fluidity of movement. FRC helps you do that.”
While practicing some kind of physical activity, the body needs to perform the movements accordingly in order to avoid injuries or chronic pathological mobility patterns. When these appear, an FRC specialist is needed to assess and determine what is causing the unbalance and faulty motion, for then recommending a personalized treatment plan focused on improving mobility, expanding usable ranges of motion, enhancing articular resilience, and promoting overall joint health.
Thanks to the experience of experts, such as Dr. Bolz, famous chiropractic specialist located in the beautiful town of Spring, TX, you will be capable of performing your day-to-day life as smooth as possible and without worrying about making a wrong move.