(281) 651-7111

Visit: Spring Physical Therapy
How Does the Graston Technique Work?

How Does the Graston Technique Work?

Muscle injuries are common, and we have many ways to treat them. However, experts are always looking for better approaches to overcome muscle injuries. The Graston technique (GT) is one of the novel tools practitioners use for a more effective treatment. This...
How Often Should You Do Spinal Decompression?

How Often Should You Do Spinal Decompression?

Spinal decompression is an FDA-approved therapy used to treat back and neck pain. It has been around for more than 10 years, and practitioners sometimes offer it as an alternative to surgery. The patients who undergo spinal decompression most commonly struggle with...
5 Exercises to Improve Your Posture at Home

5 Exercises to Improve Your Posture at Home

Improving your posture can help relieve muscle tension, prevent back, shoulder, neck, and hip pain, and reduce your energy expenditure throughout the day. And let’s face it, proper posture looks so much better than slouching.  We have selected five exercises you can...
Can Chiropractic Care Help With Fibromyalgia?

Can Chiropractic Care Help With Fibromyalgia?

According to the CDC, fibromyalgia is a condition that affects around 2% of the adult population, or approximately 4 million US adults. It causes chronic pain, among other symptoms, and it is a real diagnostic nightmare for medical professionals, as symptoms overlap...