(281) 651-7111

Visit: Spring Physical Therapy

Heat Therapy

Most people have used heat at one time to sooth normal aches and pains — such as the use of a hot bath, a heating pad or even an old-fashioned water bottle.Even today, these types of heat therapy play an important role in chiropractic practice to increase circulation...

Cold Therapy

Applying ice after an injury is a common method for reducing pain and swelling. It is especially effective for athletes, who often experience sudden, painful injuries. This type of cold therapy, also known as cryotherapy, is used by chiropractors for the same...

Cold Laser Therapy

Cold laser therapy, also known as low-level laser therapy (LLLT), uses light to treat various conditions. Unlike other types of laser light, cold laser therapy does not produce heat or vibration in the parts of the body being treated.Many therapists, including...