Cold Laser Therapy
Welcome to Spring Chiropractic! Are you looking for a chiropractor in Spring, TX that offers cold laser therapy for pain relief? At Spring Chiropractic, we believe that this is holistic health care and pain management program that is painless and works naturally.
Cold laser therapy or sometimes referred to as Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) uses specific wavelengths of light to interact with damaged tissue and help repair it by accelerating the process of healing. Patients that are seeking a non-invasive way to eliminate acute or chronic pain often use this method. Cold laser therapy relieves swelling and inflammation of joints, muscles, tendon, and cartilage.
Many people are confused about what cold laser and hot laser means. Basically, we are dealing with two types of lasers: one is high powered and the other is low powered. This does not mean that cold laser therapy is ineffective or not as powerful as a hot laser. Hot lasers are high powered to cut through skin and perform surgery. Hot lasers have the potential to burn you.
Cold laser therapy works at a lower frequency so that it does not harm tissue. A cold laser can stimulate healing and jump start tissue repair by without burning or harming the patient.
What Areas Can My Chiropractor Heal through Cold Laser Therapy?
Cold laser therapy is known for being a non-invasive alternative to arthroscopic knee surgery. The most common treatment that it is used for is knee pain, but it can heal a lot of other soft tissue injuries such as:
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis
- Tennis Elbow
- Fibromyalgia
- Tendonitis
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Headaches
- Sciatic Pain
- Herniated or Bulging Discs
- Pinched Nerves
- Other musculoskeletal injuries
How Many Treatments Do You Receive?
The number of cold laser sessions completely depends on the individual person and how severe the condition is. On average 10-30 treatments can be received, but pain relief changes will be noticed early in treatment.
Is Cold Laser Therapy Safe?
Generally, most patients don’t experience any noticeable heat on the skin from the laser. Most people feel nothing but some may report a slight tingling while being treated. After your first treatment, it could be slightly sore and an ice pack on your knee or affected area for 20 minutes will help.
Contact Us for a Consultation for Pain Relief
Give Spring Chiropractic a call at (281) 651-7111 or contact us here and we can help determine if our chiropractor feels that cold laser therapy is the best option for Pain Relief. Any sort of MRIs or medical records that can be provided on the intake is appreciated. You may also fill out the medical forms in the New Patient Center to speed up things when you arrive.